Jumat, 09 November 2018


Every day too many men and women across the globe struggle to feed their children a nutritious meal. In a world where we produce enough food to feed everyone, 821 million people – one in nine – still go to bed on an empty stomach each night. Even more – one in three – suffer from some form of malnutrition.

Even though the world governments are currently working on reducing the numbers of poverty and hunger across the world, the fact states otherwise. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute estimates that 2010 global military expenditure was $1630 billion, ... Globally it would cost $10 billion to provide universal primary education, $30 billion to eradicate world hunger, $30 billion to provide clean water to everyone without it. Which is the better investment? World powers are more eager to spend on controlling the world and not controlling hunger and poverty.

That’s why, in order to truly free this world from hunger and poverty, we need to control our selfish desire for individual purpose and give charity to the people in need. God Almighty the creator of the heavens and earth, the one who controls all affairs must be responsible to provide a system where there is a practical solution to all problems including poverty. We find charity is highly recommended and noble act in almost all major religions. Islam also provides a practical solution in the form of Zakat, which is spending 2.5% of our possession for over a year. Just imagine, if we use half of that $1630 billion for zakat, adding people’s individual’s belonging, how much many we have to feed those hungry people every year. That means, if Zakat system is realized perfectly as the Prophet said, then undoubtly, there’ll be no more poverty, thus there won’t be any people that feel hungry on their sleep, or suffer from malnutrition from their foods.

Others problem that made up this problem beside money is the food its self. Do you ever imagine the food that we see every day on supermarket ,that stack of meat, vegetables,milk,candy where do they go? Well we throw them to the junk and the amount of food that we throw to garbage is MANY why do we throw them?is it because they are on a bad condition? NO most of them is still on a good condition but because of how it looks the supermarket or the restaurant throw it away just for goods. 1/3 of the planets food go to waste ,but this food that we waste can feed the nearly 800 million people who starve worldwide


Sabtu, 03 November 2018

Active and Passive Voice

Run and Play

Lisa returns home. She cannot believe her eyes!
Her kids, Amy and Ben, are in the living room. They run around the big and expensive table and shout. This game is enjoyed by them very much.

Lisa stands and looks at them. This is what she sees and hears:
Ben is asked to wait for Amy, but he does not wait. He continues to run. So Amy's request is changed. Now Ben is asked to help Amy. Ben stops and Amy is helped. (Lisa is impressed!)
Now Lisa is invited to join them. "Yes, mummy! Come and join us!" Amy and Ben shout.
So Amy and Ben are joined by Lisa. They run and play. This game is enjoyed very much by all of them. Amy kisses Ben. Ben kisses AmyThen Lisa is kissed, too.

Now Lisa wants to rest, so she goes into her bedroom. But there are many things on her bed. They are moved by the kids. A blanket is needed and Lisa receives it. She now sleeps in her bed. Amy and Ben are at home, so they are protected by their loving mother.
But, wait! What is that terrible mess? Oh no, the big and expensive table is smashed! Well, the table was not so protected . . . 


Active Voice
Passove Voice

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