Minggu, 04 Juli 2021

Esensi Teknologi

 [TUGAS 3 DIKPUS 2021]

Moch Nabil Farras D

Teknologi. Suatu entitas yang membuat segala hal yang sebelumnya hanya ada di dalam akal pikiran manusia, berubah menjadi kenyataan. Seandainya kita dipertemukan dengan manusia pada abad ke-10 dan berkesempatan untuk berdialog dengan mereka secara langsung, dan lantas kita mengatakan bahwa saat ini manusia di ujung utara bumi dapat berkomunikasi dengan manusia di ujung selatan bumi, mungkin ia berpikir bahwa manusia pada zaman kita memiliki kemampuan telepati yang luar biasa. Nampaknya tidak mungkin terpikirkan oleh mereka bahwa terdapat suatu alat berukuran 15 cm x 7 cm dapat membuat hal tersebut terjadi. Namun, begitulah kenyataannya pada era 4.0 ini. Hampir segala sesuatu yang dahulu kita kira mustahil sudah dapat kita lihat di depan kepala mata kita sendiri.

Sekilas, hal tersebut mungkin membuat mereka, manusia pada abad yang lalu, berpikir bahwa dunia saat ini sangat tentram. Jauh dari kata perpecahan, pemberontakan, pertikaian, dan justru penuh dengan kebahagiaan dan keharmonisan. Akan tetapi benarkah demikian? Apakah benar di zaman yang kita hidupi saat ini, semua orang sudah hidup bahagia? Harmonis? Sejahtera? Tidak perlu seorang yang berpendidikan tinggi untuk dapat menjawab pertanyaan itu. Teknologi yang pada awalnya diciptakan untuk menaikan taraf hidup umat manusia, justru menjadi pedang bermata dua yang dapat membahayakan penggunanya serta lingkungan di sekitarnya, entah sengaja atau tidak. Memang betul bahwa dengan teknologi, batasan ruang dan waktu nampaknya sudah tidak lagi relevan untuk berkomunikasi. Namun, justru karena batasan tersebut hilang, dapat muncul hal-hal yang jauh lebih mengerikan. Scam, hoax, dan phising sudah menjadi hal yang lumrah untuk ditemui belakangan ini. Teknologi yang pada awalnya kita gunakan untuk berkomunikasi dan bertukar kabar dengan kerabat yang jauh dari jangkauan, justru digunakan sebagai wadah untuk aksi penipuan massal. Seringkali ditemukan berita di televisi mengenai kabar penyebaran informasi palsu yang meresahkan masyarakat, laporan mengenai informasi identitasnya dicuri pihak tak bertanggung jawab, dan lain-lain. Jika hal tersebut terus dibiarkan, maka seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi, hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan dan jauh lebih mengerikan pun akan terjadi,

Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan suatu aksi secepatnya untuk mencegah, atau setidaknya mengurangi dampak negatif dari perkembangan teknologi. Tentu, ini tidak mungkin dilakukan kecuali aksi tersebut dilakukan secara massal, terkoordinir, dan efisien. Setiap orang harus menyadari bahwa setiap dari mereka memiliki suatu peran yang penting dalam hal ini, termasuk mahasiswa. Sebagai seseorang yang sudah diberikan kesempatan untuk menggali ilmu lebih jauh, tentu sudah merupakan kewajiban kita untuk mengaplikasikan ilmu yang kita dapat dan berkontribusi, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung kepada masyarakat. Dan salah satunya adalah dengan ikut andil dalam mengatasi hal ini. Kita dapat memulai dengan hal-hal yang sederhana dalam lingkup mikro, yakni dengan memastikan bahwa kita sendiri sudah tidak termakan scam, hoax, dan phising. Jika itu sudah clear, selanjutnya kita coba memperluas ruang lingkup kita dengan menginformasikan kepada keluarga kita mengenai apa itu scam, hoax, dan phising, contohnya, bahayanya, dan apa saja yang harus kita lakukan manakala kita mendapatkan teks demikian. Kemudian, setelah itu kita coba mengajak keluarga kita untuk menyebarkan informasi mengenai hal tersebut kepada kerabat-kerabat terdekat mereka. Jika hal tersebut dilaksanakan secara benar dan terkontrol, saya yakin dampak negatif dari perkembangan teknologi dapat diminimalisir. Dan pada Indonesia Emas 2045, kita sudah dapat sepenuhnya terbebas dari hal-hal tersebut.



Jumat, 02 Juli 2021

Kebudayaan di Lingkungan Rumah


Moch Nabil Farras D

Berdasarkan observasi yang saya lakukan selama ini, saya menemukan banyak sekali kebudayaan-kebudayaan di keluarga saya. Selain itu, kebudayaan-kebudayaan tersebut bersifat positif sehingga keluarga kami merupakan keluarga yang harmonis yang setiap anggotanya memiliki kepribadian yang positif. Beberapa kebudayaan yang paling sederhana namun sangat memiliki impact adalah kebudayaan gotong royong yang sejak lama diterapkan di keluarga kami.

Menurut KBBI, gotong royong didefinisikan sebagai bekerja bersama-sama (tolong-menolong, bantu-membantu). Kebudayaan ini sudah ditanamkan di keluarga saya semenjak saya duduk di bangku TK. Sejak kecil, saya, kakak, dan adik saya sudah terbiasa untuk berbagi tugas dalam merapikan rumah. Mencuci baju, menjemur baju, mengangkat jemuran, menutup gorden rumah, mencuci piring, mengganti air galon, menyapu, dsb. merupakan hal yang sudah biasa bagi kami. Hal tersebut karena kedua orang tua kami merupakan seorang pekerja. Sehingga, beban yang perlu dilakukan oleh kedua orang tua kami ketika mereka pulang bekerja tidak terlalu berat. Selain itu, kebudayaan ini mengajarkan kami untuk hidup lebih teratur, menjaga hubungan baik antaranggota keluarga, berani berkorban untuk kepentingan dan kebaikan bersama, dan masih banyak lagi hal-hal yang dapat kami petik dari kebudayaan ini.

Berdasarkan pemarapan tersebut, saya dapat menyimpulkan bahwa kebudayaan gotong royong merupakan bagian dari unsur kebudayaan "sistem kemasyarakatan" karena hal tersebut berkaitan dengan interaksi antarmanusia yang ada di lingkungan tersebut, yang pada hal ini lingkungannya adalah keluarga saya. Selain itu, kebudayaan gotong royong dapat ditelaah dalam aspek 3T (tatanan, tuntunan, dan tontonan). Sebagai tatanan, kebudayaan gotong royong menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat pada suatu lingkungan merupakan masyarakat yan senang membantu dan ramah kepada sesama. Sebagai tuntunan, kebudayaan gotong royong mengajarkan kami banyak hal seperti yang telah disebutkan pada paragraf sebelumnya. Dan terakhir, sebagai tontonan, kebudayaan gotong royong merupakan salah satu kebudayaan yang menyejukkan hati siapa pun yang melihatnya, terutama pihak yang dibantu selama proses bantu-membantu tersebut.



Selasa, 29 Juni 2021

Melalui Matematika dalam Mengatasi Sampah


Moch Nabil Farras D

Klasik memang, namun bukan suatu hal yang terbantahkan bahwa sampah merupakan salah satu permasalahan global yang belum terselesaikan hingga saat ini. Jumlah sampah yang ada dari tahun ke tahun tiap tahunnya cenderung naik secara signifikan, terutama di Indonesia. Hal tersebut tentu diperparah dengan pandemi COVID-19, yang hingga artikel ini ditulis, masih belum dapat terselesaikan. Penulis sendiri mengamati di daerah tempat penulis tinggal, tepatnya di perumahan Grand Pinus Regency, Kota Bandung, beberapa rumah masih tidak memiliki tempat sampah di depan rumahnya. Terkadang ditemukan pula masker-masker bekas, sisa makanan dan minuman, serta sampah-sampah jenis lainnya di lahan-lahan kosong yang tidak ditempati rumah (penulis tidak dapat menyertakan foto karena akses sedang dibatasi akibat lonjakan kasus COVID-19 di perumahan ini).

Melihat permasalahan ini, penulis merasa bahwa penulis, sebagai bagian dari masyarakat Grand Pinus Regency, perlu melakukan suatu aksi yang dapat berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan kualitas serta performa lingkungan Grand Pinus Regency, serta masyarakat yang ada di dalamnya, yang hingga kini, baik secara langsung maupun tidak, sudah membentuk penulis menjadi pribadi saat ini. Selain itu, penulis sebagai masyarakat akademis, merasa perlu menerapkan ilmu yang sudah/akan penulis dapat selama menjalani proses pembelajaran hingga lulus nanti demi keberlangsungan hidup masyarakat yang lebih baik.

Pada dasarnya, setiap warga yang ada di perumahan ini memiliki potesi untuk melakukan suatu aksi, yang baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dapat mengurangi jumlah sampah yang ada atau menekan laju pertumbuhan sampah agar tidak makin memburuk. Namun, sebagai masyarakat akademis, tentu penulis memiliki potensi lain yang dapat penulis lakukan dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan ini. Terinsiprasi dari aksi yang dilakukan oleh Moses Mayer, seorang alumnus Jakarta Intercultural School (JIS), pada 2017 silam, penulis, sebagai calon mahasiswa sarjana prodi Matematika, melihat Matematika sebagai suatu potensi dalam menyelesaikan berbagai permasalahan yang ada saat ini, tak terkecuali permasalahan sampah. Melalui Game Theory, dapat dibuat suatu rumus matematika yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan sampah tersebut, seperti yang telah dilakukan oleh Moses Mayer. Selain itu, dapat pula dilakukan pemodelan matematika untuk membuat suatu model sederhana mengenai pertumbuhan jumlah sampah, khususnya di perumahan Grand Pinus Regency. Kemudian, penulis dapat bekerja sama dengan relasi-relasi yang penulis miliki untuk kemudian menciptakan solusi secara umum memanfaatkan fasilitas-fasilitas yang ada, baik dari kampus maupun lingkungan sekitar.

Potensi penulis dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan ini tentu belum usai hingga dilakukan suatu aksi yang menjadi peran penulis sebagai bagian dari masyarakat dan masyarakat akademis. Melalui rumus matematika dan model pertumbuhan jumlah sampah yang telah dibuat, serta potensi-potensi lain yang mungkin dilakukan melalui kolaborasi dengan relasi yang ada, penulis perlu mempublikasikan/mensosialisasikan hal tersebut kepada masyarakat Grand Pinus Regency agar timbul rasa kesadaran dan tanggung jawab di dalam diri mereka untuk merawat lingkungan, terutama dalam kondisi pandemi seperti sekarang. Selain itu, penulis juga perlu melakukan kajian lebih lanjut untuk memperdalam ilmu yang penulis miliki sehingga dapat menciptakan solusi yang lebih efektif dan dapat diterapkan dalam ruang lingkup yang jauh lebih besar.



Sabtu, 26 September 2020

Myself, but University version.


Good day to you, Sir/Madam!

First, allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Moch. Nabil Farras Dhiya. You can call me Nabil or Farras. I was born on the 21th Century in Tasikmalaya to a happy family. My father's name is Dadan, and my mother's is Yulia. Both my father and mother are currently working as a civil server. As of today, my father is working in Pontianak. His workplace is temporary, because every 2-3 years he'll be placed in another city. While my mother is always working in Bandung to take care of me and my two brothers. My older brother is a student in an University on Bandung, while my little brother is an elementary student in Labschool. Now, all of us lived at Grand Pinus Regency Cluster Andes No. 10.

Ok, maybe that's enough about my family, now I'll focus about telling myself.

Ok, let's start again. My name is Farras. As I said before, I was born on the 21th Century. 2003, to be exact. I've just become an official college student of Bandung Institute of Technology  4 hours ago. Normally, now I should be a 3th grade student in Senior High School, but because I finished my Elementary study in 5 years, due to some circumstance, here I am. Now part of corona's generation of 2020. For your information, I studied in Labschool Elem. School for 5 years, 2 Bandung Junior High School for 3 years, and 3 Bandung Senior Highschool for also 3 years.

My hobbies aren't that much different from others, like reading a manga (Japanese comic), and doing some coding problems at edabit or writing some random syntax. On my free time, I simply farming exp on edabit while listening to some classical or anime song, watching some anime/data analysis video on youtube, or just staring at the air. But above all, I spend most of my time playing game with my friends. Even on my last holiday (April-Sept), I spent >10 hours/day playing games, the rest of the time, I spent it to pray, sleep, farm exp, and watch anime-marathon.
Since I was on elem. school, I've always loved Math-related subject, like Physics. On the contrary, I'v'e always hated on memory-related subject, like Biology and History. And some of my colleagues told me that I'm good at Math and Physics, and really suck at Biology and History. Like, seriously suck.

Until a year ago, my dream was to be an Astrophysics, Physicist, or some sort. But the more and more I dive into the world of Physics, the more I realized that Physics was hard af. So, I surfed on Google what kind of job is suited for me who love coding and mathematical analysis. And then, I found that this job
called "Data Scientist" and "Data Analyst". I got curious about these jobs, since these jobs are comparable with an Actuary in terms of demand on today's business. So, I learned that the task of a data scientist/analyst are more or less what I love and what I think I got talent on it. And fortunately, I was lucky enough to get accepted on one of the most prestigious university in Indonesia at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA). And hopefully, I will get accepted to the Mathematical major on my second year so that I can hone my analytic skills for my future job.

To get there, I know it won't be an easy path. Since I know that many people with higher brain-spec than me also aim to enter the math major, in terms of academic-skill, of course I have to study hard to make sure that my GPA are higher than average, if not higher than most of the student from the same faculty. My GPA goal, is of course, higher than 3.75. I tend to aim higher so that when my score drops at one time, I can be motivated to fix the next scores so that the total GPA score can be at least 3.75.

To be a data scientist, and good person in general, there are other things that I know that must do:
1. Mastering 1-2 language(s) other than my mother language. Since the competition on the 21st century are scary af, English, is the least we have to master to survive the competition. But, my love for Japanese culture made me want to learn Japanese as well, and I aim to get the N4 certificate by the end of next year.
2. Have a good time-management, communication, and have lots of relation. I realized that to be a data scientist, a good analytics and programming skill aren't the only important thing. We also have to be a good speaker to deliver and visualize their data analysis. If the client can't understand our work, what's the point? Our job is to make sure they understand the business opportunity available for the company, based on the big amount of data the company has received. My aim is to muster those skills by joining some organization available on my 4 years in college so that when I graduated on 2024, my LinkedIn profile are full of skills and experiences,
3. Have a good physical body. Well, this has got no relation to be a data scientist, but I think that a person, regardless of who they are, what's their job, their age, and such, has to take make sure that their body are always in great condition. Being a data scientist whose jobs are analyzing data, make visualization, and presenting at an office, doesn't mean that they can neglect their body and have a skinny and pitiful shape.

My goal after I graduated from ITB is that I can get a scholarship so then I can get my master degree abroad (or in ITB). If I didn't find one, I hope I can get a job from a well-known company, and make a saving from my salary so that I can continue my study. By doing so, I hope that I can contribute to Indonesia by helping the companies in Indonesia to grow even further. Thus, Indonesia's economy condition can be fixed, and we're a step closer to our 2045 vision.

Farewell, eh.

#StoryOfMyLife #MendefinisikanPeran #OSKMITB2020 #TerangKembali

Senin, 21 September 2020

Plastic Waste Crisis Around the Globe


M Nabil Farras D

Di tengah pandemi COVID-19 ini, banyak sekali krisis-krisis lain yang terangkat, baik karena krisis tersebut baru saja muncul, maupun karena krisis tersebut diperparah dengan adanya pandemi ini. Salah satu krisis yang diperparah dengan adanya pandemi COVID-19 ini adalah krisis sampah plastik. 
Sejak dimulainya pandemi COVID-19, dilaporkan sudah terjadi peningkatan penggunaan sampah plastik sekali pakai, termasuk sampah medis. Di Singapura, misalnya, pada 1 Juni kemarin telah terjadi peningkatan limbah plastik sebesar 1,5ton hanya dari bekas kemasan paket dan makanan.

                                                                source : nationalgeographic.com

Krisis plastik adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak krisis yang sangat penting untuk kita sadari agar kemudian kita akhiri.
Mengapa saya katakan krisis plastik ini merupakan krisis yang sangat "urgent" untuk kita selesaikan?Saya akan coba menganalisis krisis ini dengan konsep VUCA.

                                                           source: advances.sciencemag.org


Tidak termasuk, karena jika kita amati grafik tersebut, sebenarnya sejak akhir abad-20 hingga awal abad-21 sudah terlihat bahwa grafik jumlah sampah yang dihasilkan (warna hitam) naik secara eksponensial. Namun, perhatikan bahwa gap per tahun di sana cukup jauh, yakni per sepuluh tahun. Artinya, kenaikan jumlah sampah ini tidak terjadi secara tiba-tiba. Hal ini terjadi karena beberapa faktor, contohnya kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat.


Termasuk, karena dalam 10 tahun terakhir, sudah cukup banyak negara yang menerapkan kebijakan sanksi saat menggunakan plastik, dan beberapa lainnya melarang secara total. Akan tetapi, kita tidak tahu apakah kebijakan tersebut akan efektif atau tidak. Masa depan ga ada yang tau gais.


Termasuk, karena masalah plasik ini jika terus dibiarkan, akan menimbulkan krisis-krisis lain, misalnya:
1. kehidupan satwa laut akan terganggu. Dah tau kasus temuan bangkai paus isinya 5,9kg sampah plastik di Wakatobi;
2. saluran irigasi akan terhambat -> Banjir saat hujan deras -> "S3mu4 s4l4h p3m3r1nt4h".


Tidak termasuk, karena menurut saya krisis ini sebab dan akibatnya sudah jelas, tidak ada yang ambigu.

Terus gimana ? Kita harus apa ? 

Pusreng valoran sampai platinum tapi stuck di gold? 

Ga. Jelas kita harus melakukan sesuatu yang dapat mengurangi penggunaan plastik.

Contoh paling sederhana ya dengan bawa tupperware makan dan minum dari rumah, atau bawa totebag kalo kita belanja. Udah gitu doang. Sederhana tapi akan sangat berpengaruh.

Minggu, 14 April 2019

Village Visit Chronicle

On the 3rd of January 2019, we came to Cibeureum Village that's located quite far from the center of Bandung City. To be honest, we did it to fulfill our duty as a student in SMA 3 Bandung. But while we're at it, maybe we can treat it as a contribution to society and help those villagers. We were there for 3 days with the aim of helping people and socializing with them.  It's also to make us understand that not every people aren't that lucky to be born then live normally without any hindrance. There are lots of unlucky people that must go through lots of hardships for the sake of surviving, unlike us people who lived in the city.

As soon as we arrived at our foster parent's home, we were quite surprised because our foster parents weren't there at the time. Later, the parents of our supposed-to-be foster parents explained that they're currently in Bandung for work matters. And then, it was decided that we lived there without any foster parents. Even so, sometimes we went to the parent's house since we were asked to. Because of that, our group "united" with the group of our friend, Ilham Azka, since the parents of our foster parents were their foster parents. When we were alone, we basically did nothing at all except for fulfilling our duty, like tidying up the house and such. But when we were at the parent's house, we helped them to do their daily basis as much as we can, even though sometimes when we voluntereed to help they only allowed us to do it a little.

On the second day, as soon as we finished Subuh prayer at the nearby mosque, our group and Ilham's went to the hill to watch the sunrise together. We stayed there for about half an hour I think, and the weather at the time was 14 degrees celcius, so it was really really cold. 

After that, we went back to our foster parents' house to discuss our activity for today. And then, it was decided that we're gonna help our foster father with his gardening. We went to his field by motorcycle since it was quite far away from our house. We didn't helped with his work just for about 20minutes since we afraid that us helping just gonna destroy his field lol. As soon as we finished our work, we took a bath in a "hot spring" near there. The "hot spring" was good enough to clean up our dirty bodies and it really hit the spot. But we can't say that we were satisfied by it since the supposed-to-be hot spring were actually just a normal toilet with a hot water coming directly from the mountains. Soon after, at about 10 AM, we went back to prepare to do our duty as a muslim, which is Jumat prayer. Because we didn't expect the mosque to be that crowded, we almost got ourselves standing all the way until the pray begins. Luckily enough, there were an empty space outside the mosque. Broad enough to contain me and my group. It was really embarassing to go inside the mosque to pray after the lecture since everyone' were gazing at us when we opened the door.

In the afternoon, we were organizing our "souvenir" to the people who are currently badly in needs for foods, clothes, and health service. Thus, with the help of our foster mother, we went to give several Indomie, several kg of rice, cooking oil, clothes, and free voucher to check-up at the Community Health Center in the following day. Later that night, we helped our foster mother to make moring, it's an Indonesian traditional food created from wheat flour and tapioca, then you shaped them together, cook it, and after it dried quite well, you cut it into several tiny pieces. To make even a pack of it is quite tiring since everything was done manually and not any machine was used to make moring, at least in that village. To make it even worse, the results of the sale are not too large because of the length of production time. if only they had the tools to cut the dough into thin pieces, maybe that would really help them in the future. That's why me and my friends (in a group) think that maybe the best solution for them is to make an environmentally friendly tool. We prefer a tool that won't need to use electricity but it can function optimally, but we don't know if that's even possible. And while we're at it, we also hope that in the future, there'd be a tool that could help the other citizens on their everyday' work, either they're a farmer, breeder, or whatever it is that can significantly increase their outcome. Thus, they can enjoy their life even more like us in the city.

On the last day, we went to the hill again as soon as we finished our Subuh prayer. But now, some of the girls from our class joined. Because of several circumtances, we didn't stay as long as we were on the second day, but it was more fun with more people I guess. After we finished our sightseeing, we went our separate way to do our things until 9 AM since at that time we were supposed to gather around the green mosque near the convenience store. We did so becacuse our class had a plan to go to Sungai Citarum' source of water. After all of our class members were present, we went there by 2 mini trucks, for the boys and the girls each for about 15 minutes. After we arrived there, we didn't stay for too long, just about 1-1.5 hours since basically there's nothing to see there except some views. But there's this satisfying feeling when you just successfully walk around the river since it was quite far. Nvm. After that, we went back to our house to pack up our belongings, and prepare to say our goodbye to our foster parents and thanking them for letting us experience this village life even though it's only for 3 days. Then, we gather together again at the village hall to wait for our "angkot", which will take us back to SMAN 3 Bandung.
And that marks the end of my Village Visit Experience tales.

Gravity' Lecture for Infants

According to Wikipedia, Gravity or gravitation, is a natural phenomenon by which all things with mass or energy—including planets, stars, galaxies, and even light are gravitate toward one another. On Earth, gravity gives weight to physical objects, and the Moon's gravity causes the ocean tides. The gravitational attraction of the original gaseous matter present in the Universe caused it to begin coalescing, forming stars – and for the stars to group together into galaxies – so gravity is responsible for many of the large-scale structures in the Universe. Gravity has an infinite range, although its effects become increasingly weaker on farther objects.
Gravity is most accurately described by the general theory of relativity (proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915) which describes gravity not as a force, but as a consequence of the curvature of spacetime caused by the uneven distribution of mass. The most extreme example of this curvature of spacetime is a black hole, from which nothing—not even light—can escape once past the black hole's event horizon. However, for most applications, gravity is well approximated by Newton's law of universal gravitation, which describes gravity as a force which causes any two bodies to be attracted to each other, with the force proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
Gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental forces of physics, approximately 1038 times weaker than the strong force, 1036 times weaker than the electromagnetic force and 1029 times weaker than the weak force. As a consequence, it has no significant influence at the level of subatomic particles. In contrast, it is the dominant force at the macroscopic scale, and is the cause of the formation, shape and trajectory (orbit) of astronomical bodies. For example, gravity causes the Earth and the other planets to orbit the Sun, it also causes the Moon to orbit the Earth, and causes the formation of tides, the formation and evolution of the Solar System, stars and galaxies.

Minggu, 03 Maret 2019

Scholarship Recommendation

To Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan,
It gives me an immense pleasure to write in recommendation of Lintang Maharani for addition to your scholarship program. I have known Lintang Maharani for 2 years, since July 2017 as a teacher at 3 Highschool Bandung.
Lintang Maharani is now a 11th grader in 3 Highschool Bandung. She was born at October 19, 2002 and has a loving family. Back then, she was a quiet and shy person, she has many friends that support her and was able to get her out of her comfort zone. As of now, she is very active on her extracurricular program without abandoning her duty as a student.
She was a representative of a little doctor from her school.She was also a winner of many taekwondo's competition. Even though she is now not as active as she were in the past, I can assure you that she is still a multitalented and outstanding student.
In addition, I know her very well. Lintang Maharani is very interested in learning engineering and how it affected her study at this school.
Overall, I've no doubt that she will definitely succeed in her future academic endeavors because of her flexibility, her tolerance against other people, and her high interest and  curiosity within the realm of learning. I've no doubt that Lintang Maharani will make a tremendous impact on the realm of industry engineering and I'm certain that she'll make an outstanding contribution to your scholarship program. I highly recommend of Lintang Maharani. If you have further question, please don't hesitate to contact me.

*this is supposed to be my signature*
Moch. Nabil Farras Dhiya
The Teacher of Physics
3 Highschool Bandung

Minggu, 24 Februari 2019

The Me From The Past, Now, and In The Future

Ok, so I was asked to write something about myself, again. This would be the second time I write about myself since 2 years ago. It was the very first task that was given to me as a highschooler. I don't wanna blabbering too much since I do need some privacy. And since you guys can just re-read my old post to know about the general info of myself, I'll just write a little bit about me.

Ei! My full name is Moch Nabil Farras Dhiya. You can either call me Nabil or Farras, but since Farras can lead into a misunderstanding, I'd rather be called Nabil, or whatever suits you will do just fine. I was born in Tasikmalaya on January 15, 2003. I just turned 16 year last month, yey. Now, I'm living in Bandung. I won't give you my address, pakyo stalker. I used to love playing games, but since I quit playing games since last year, so now I don't really have any particular hobby, except slacking off all day long.

My family has 11 members, including pets. I have a pair of normal parents, an older and younger brother, a couple of rabbits, a cat and 3 kitties. I have fish pond in my house but since it's a bother to count their numbers, I won't include them. Ok, let's get serious.
Both my father and mother are currently working as a civil server. As of now, my father works in Pontianak, while my mother works in Bandung. My older brother is 3 years older than me and now is on his second year in a certain university in Bandung. As for my younger brother, he's 6 years younger than me and now is on his third year in elementary school. My family doesn't have any peculiar background, you see. I won't give the specific detail, but I can asure you that our field of works are different.

Next, about me. I don't really pay any attention about what people said about me but I remember some called me smart, annoying, stingy, and such. Well, under some circumtances, I can be both annoying and kind, stingy and generous, smart and idiot. People are like that. I think the majority of human being are not completely stuck on certain "point", they may be like that but it's not like they can't be the opposite of it, you know. I'm just the same. Ok next, As for my look, I'm confidence enough to tell you that from a scale of 10, it's below than 5, meaning it's seriously below average. For the supporting evidence of my statement, I have this one friend from XI 4, and he often told me that I'm below average, and I do agree with him :p

As for speaking skill, I'm confidence enough about my speaking skills because I'm already used to speaking in front of the others since Junior High School, and I learnt a lot from the grown ups. Even so, until I write this post, as of February 24, 2019 at 5:58 PM, I never, even once, join any kind of organization, except Trilogy. But I won't call myself as one of the member because I already decided to quit Olympiad because I don't wanna stuck in the school until almost dusk. I have other reasons too, but I won't mention it here.

When I was little, I often join many kinds of competition, whether it's dancing, singing, fashion show, etc. I don't have any intention to boast here, but I often won the competition. But since I enter elementary school, I barely join any competition, whether it's the same kind of competition or olympiad competition. I don't find it interesting anymore. Even so, when I enter Senior High School, I suddenly felt this urge to join OSN, Idk why. That's why I participated on it at Physics and gladly, I passed the city selection. Even so, I wasn't able to get into the National since I didn't passed the Province' one.

Since I barely join any competition and club at school until now, I can devote my life as a go-home club member. Because of that, I've a hard time opening up with some people I'm not familiar with since I'm almost on guard all the time.

At school, there are are only 4 things that I love, which is Math Test, Physics experiment, Break time, and go home bell. Especially the last one, it's so satisfying to hear. It resonates through every student's ears, including mine.

Well, since I've told you guys about the past and the current me, I'd like to tell you about what the future me has on store. I don't want to describe it so detail so I'll try to sum it up in about 4 sentences. So basically, as I said on the previous post, I don't have any intention on becoming some CEO of certain company, doctor, or whatever it is. I just want to live my life as a normie office worker with a decent family and died at some point. Some people might think it's a waste of talent, but I think they miss the point here. We only live here interim, we'd soon died and then the eternal journey will begin, that's the main point. But if I've to really name one, I'd say I wanna be an Actuary or Astrophysicist, but I'm more into Actuary for several reasons. The first, I've watched too much animes that I might got influated by it. Why? Because in most of the animes that I watched, the protagonist and the people around him were wearing black suit and preparing to go to their offices. So that kinda made me think something like, "Oh, an office worker might be cool". The second, I'm into Mathematics and I love my laptop. So I'd want a job that involves those two. Lastly, I went to this seminar that was held in my school when I was at 10th grade, where the speaker of the seminar, who came from Canada or something, said how cool and promising to be an Actuary is. And surprisingly, the number of Actuary in Indonesia is quite low, and they need it very bad. So yeah, I think this job is suited for me.

To get there, I'd have to enter the Faculty of Science from some university that has an Actuary program, like ITB and ITB. Well, my plan is to get selected for SNMPTN to enter one of those university. I haven't made my total decision about it, since there are the plus and minus points I must consider. For example, ITB is a good university and it isn't that far from my home. But IPB is currently the university that produce the best Actuary in Indonesia, so if I enter that university, I'd have to move out by myself, which is not really my thing. Well, putting that aside, I have a bigger dream, which is entering a university in Japan, like Toudai, which is the most famous university in Japan, Kyoto University, Waseda University, etc. To be honest, I don't really mind which university since the fact that I'm studying in Japan is already good enough for me. My actual plan is that after I got accepted at one of those university by SNMPTN, I'd like to apply a scholarship to study abroad. So, even if I won't make it at the selection, I can still study here in Indonesia.
After I got my bachelor degree, I hope to apply for another scholarship for my post graduate program in Japan, so that after I graduated again, I can start working at some company there in Japan.

Ok, that's all I think. I already wrote too much for just a single task even tho' I said "a little" in the beginning, so I'll end it here.
Farewell, eh.

Sabtu, 09 Februari 2019

Edu Passion and Future Self

Eiiiiiii, new post from Bell. It's about my school's recent event Edu Passion and what I'm gonna do in the future after I got some information about some colleges and considerate myself's plus and minus points.

On January 4th 2019, my school, SMA Negeri 3 Bandung held an event called "Edu Passion". Basically, this event's main purpose was to give a big picture to the students, mainly SMA Negeri 3 Bandung's students about some famous universities, including their univ facilities, environments, and faculties. This event can also be attended by students from other school, like last year's, but I think i didn't see any this year, maybe they've different rule for each year.

This event was held from 7.30 AM with some words from our school's principal and West Java's governer, Ridwan Kamil. He is one of the most outstanding alumnae from our school. After some words from them, they explain some important stuff exclusively to the 12th graders. Why? Because they're the ones who needed it the most right now, compared to us. How do I know this? Well, because I was bored since there was no teacher in our class, so I just wander around the school and I accidentally saw this.

We, 10th and 11th graders can start doing our stuff (gathering some information from some stalls) from 7.30 AM if the responsible teacher at the time allowed us to, but it's only limited to the hallway area, since the parking area was used by the 12th graders.

If I remember correctly, we were allowed to enter the parking area at about 9 AM, thus I continue to see if there's something that'll caught my interest. Unfortunately, there's none. So, I came back to our class and stay there with some friends until 12 AM. After that, we went to the nearby Mosque to pray Dzuhur, then we decided to gather some information too, since we were asked to do that by our teachers.

Then, me and my friends went to this Universitas Gajah Mada's stall to do our task, then we were dragged to this room where their companions were doing presentation about their university because from our and their perspective, a scheduled presentation which they were used to give information is way more effective than standing in front of the stall and asking some questions with no guarantee if they're bothered by it because certain reasons or not. Not to mention that if we come to a scheduled presentation we can also bring some food there while listening to their presentation, which can't be done if we come to the stall (it's bad to eat while standing).

To sum it up, the info that I got from their presentation is that UGM is an university that teach their students to be a simple yet conspicuos person. There are some plus points that can make us considerate UGM as our future university, which are:
1. Yogyakarta's life cost is relatively cheap compared to other cities.
2. Its located near many other campus, thus making it safe even though we're gonna stay until late night working our project there.
3. There are many famous tourist destination, like Borobudur Temple, Malioboro, etc.
4. Their social environment are quite friendly, so we can take it easy there.

Note: The pic when I attend the scheduled presentation is on my friend's phone (Ilham Azka)

Overall, this event (Edu Passion) is, without doubt, an amazing program, not to mention it's held annually so each generation can get some information about their future college to prevent them from entering the wrong one, which can screw up their future.


I'm that kind of person that's good at some kind of puzzle, analysis, logic, and number-related problems since I'm already used to it since kindergarten. Because of that, I'm quite fond of some subjects, like Mathematic and Physics. On the contrary, I am very not used to memorizing something because I'm a lazy person, making me bad at certain subjects that require a good memory, like Biology and History. As for sports, I hate every single one of it, except Badminton. Even though I'm a fast learner, that only applies to the first 2 subjects I mentioned before. As for the others, it's either average or even worse.
Putting school aside, I take a slight interest on Japanese culture, so I understand a little bit Japanese. For survival purpose only, I'd say I'm ready for it, but as for blending with society, I'm yet to ready.
I'm one of those person that delay doing things until certain days or the exact day before the deadline because I'm busy doing other useless stuffs. But once I put my mind on something, or I take a slight interest or something, I can done it in faster than society's average speed, I'd say.

By taking consideration of those things I mentioned before, I just want to enter university without probem, work at an office, got married, and stuff. Just your usual Normies life. I don't really aiming to become some CEO, doctor, or such. Well, I once dreamt to become something like an Astrophysicist in Japan, but that's too bothersome so I don't want to. Well, working as an office worker in Japan is ok, though. As long as it won't bother my duty as a Muslim. Because our life in this world is just temporary, not to mention this world's gonna crumble soon, based on the Prophet's Hadits, so I decided to focus more on Religion rather than become someone big in the eyes of other person, which is kinda useless, I'd say.

Well, that's it for this time's Post. See you later pipol.

Jumat, 09 November 2018


Every day too many men and women across the globe struggle to feed their children a nutritious meal. In a world where we produce enough food to feed everyone, 821 million people – one in nine – still go to bed on an empty stomach each night. Even more – one in three – suffer from some form of malnutrition.

Even though the world governments are currently working on reducing the numbers of poverty and hunger across the world, the fact states otherwise. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute estimates that 2010 global military expenditure was $1630 billion, ... Globally it would cost $10 billion to provide universal primary education, $30 billion to eradicate world hunger, $30 billion to provide clean water to everyone without it. Which is the better investment? World powers are more eager to spend on controlling the world and not controlling hunger and poverty.

That’s why, in order to truly free this world from hunger and poverty, we need to control our selfish desire for individual purpose and give charity to the people in need. God Almighty the creator of the heavens and earth, the one who controls all affairs must be responsible to provide a system where there is a practical solution to all problems including poverty. We find charity is highly recommended and noble act in almost all major religions. Islam also provides a practical solution in the form of Zakat, which is spending 2.5% of our possession for over a year. Just imagine, if we use half of that $1630 billion for zakat, adding people’s individual’s belonging, how much many we have to feed those hungry people every year. That means, if Zakat system is realized perfectly as the Prophet said, then undoubtly, there’ll be no more poverty, thus there won’t be any people that feel hungry on their sleep, or suffer from malnutrition from their foods.

Others problem that made up this problem beside money is the food its self. Do you ever imagine the food that we see every day on supermarket ,that stack of meat, vegetables,milk,candy where do they go? Well we throw them to the junk and the amount of food that we throw to garbage is MANY why do we throw them?is it because they are on a bad condition? NO most of them is still on a good condition but because of how it looks the supermarket or the restaurant throw it away just for goods. 1/3 of the planets food go to waste ,but this food that we waste can feed the nearly 800 million people who starve worldwide


Esensi Teknologi

 [TUGAS 3 DIKPUS 2021] Moch Nabil Farras D 16020147 FMIPA - MA'20 74 Teknologi. Suatu entitas yang membuat segala hal yang sebelumnya ha...